What good will come from Corona19

We humans are often caught looking at the rearview mirror and running into things in front of us.

With the COVID-19 pandemic moving to the rearview mirror, perhaps we can see it afresh.

Those tinny voices crying in the past for more preparation, may finally be heard, and perhaps even heeded.

While SARS and MERS affected too few people to attract much attention, perhaps with SARS-CoV-II more of the right attention will be paid, with effective biological remedies and perhaps even prophylactics created and produced, resetting the playing field for the global economy.

And too, new protocols could be developed to better respond to the next no-cure-available contagion to afflict the populace.
It will become the Kumbaya19 Virus. We will be living in a SoClean world.
There will be a new series on Prime soon. NoMo WHO.
Single use menus in all restaurants. There will be Clorox surface wipes on all tables so you can disinfect it to your specs.
Soon on the shelves... kiddie gloves to have them wear as PPE when outside.
All door will have automatic openers. No more grabbing door handles anywhere. Back to recirculating doors.
There will be serology test dispensers right next to the condom machines at the truck stops.
Instead of antitheft scanners there will be temperature detectors to sound an alarm if a feverish folk tries to enter everywhere.
Instead or earphones airlines will provide gloves and masks that you must wear while in flight.
The paranoia will be a fortune maker for many.
Just the opposite unfortunately back to my old eating habits probably gained 10lbs. already.

Workouts are harder (though my wife and I are now doing them together) and my wife and I are smoking more cigars... not complaining about the cigars for me though...
No good will come of this. Just an awareness of how easily people will give up their liberties in the name a of a perceived security.

Short, succinct and to the point.
As good a job of symbolically ' dropping the microphone' as you will ever see. I'll give it a 10
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I am a 100% positive minded person, there maybe 100 things in front of me, 99 bad or wrong, but I will focus on that 1 good, positive thing, build on that and make something decent out of it. I am a survivor.
Yet I see so much grief, greed and shallowness in the world.

Politicians, .... well I don't even go there !

Advertising, .... you may see me bleating about adverts on here occasionally, I taught my kids to "nuke" the sound when the adds came on the TV from when they were old enough to hold the remote.
There is so much advertising everywhere simply screaming "give me your money" (Greed) that this generation, and probably the last, have grown up with a "I must have" attitude, with out the understanding of "the world is not handed to you on a plate" someone has to pay for it.

Shallowness, ..... How many people get ripped off when purchasing any goods or services ? with no back up or recompense for a shoddy job done.

This is just a short list of the crap in the world today.

Perhaps, just perhaps the people (those who need to learn) will realise that the world is not about (excessive) materialistic things and be just a little more mindful of other people and the Planet.

As a Great North American Indian Chief once said ...