what else can go wrong with this bike


.060 Over
Feb 16, 2008
im sure getting tired of trouble shooting this bike , i did the triple filter mod yesterday now the bike only starts about everyother time i hit the start button ,, about 3 months ago the same thing happend traced it back to the clutch safety switch , i just pulled that little plunger out of its housing all was good till now , battery fully charged, connections tight, all fuses in place , nothing loose under the tank , back when i found the clutch safety switch to be bad , i had cleaned the start button contacts, where is the main ground on this bike , guess i will check starter wires , dontse how they can come loose just from sitting there, been in garge since labor day weekend , this bike is fun when its running but **** i wanna get on it and ride . well i might have found the problem , that little clutch safety switch that i removed a taped up a few months ago ,i must have tweaked it a little when i was working on the bike and with the tape on the plunger must have stayed in a little , trmoved the tape pushed it in a few times to free it up, the bike started everytime so far
im sure getting tired of trouble shooting this bike , i did the triple filter mod yesterday now the bike only starts about everyother time i hit the start button ,, about 3 months ago the same thing happend traced it back to the clutch safety switch , i just pulled that little plunger out of its housing all was good till now , battery fully charged, connections tight, all fuses in place , nothing loose under the tank , back when i found the clutch safety switch to be bad , i had cleaned the start button contacts, where is the main ground on this bike , guess i will check starter wires , dontse how they can come loose just from sitting there, been in garge since labor day weekend , this bike is fun when its running but **** i wanna get on it and ride . well i might have found the problem , that little clutch safety switch that i removed a taped up a few months ago ,i must have tweaked it a little when i was working on the bike and with the tape on the plunger must have stayed in a little , trmoved the tape pushed it in a few times to free it up, the bike started everytime so far

How can that be the bikes fault
it seems your bike has the same flaws as mine.
Mines been down at different times for different reasons,
but all the down time except twice,
was operator error.
The only two times it wasn't this well known problem,
was when the output shaft bearing went south, then the TPS.
I don't claim responsibility for those two..
some times we are our own worst enemy , but that little switch went out thought i had it cured , yes i must have hit it , but if that little switch wouldnt have gone south we wouldnt be having this disscusion, hey im glad it was so simple, now for the right tune ,,,, tors 3 k&ns cat bypass need to find a tuner in houston area