What ECU tune with PC-V


“Be excellent to one-another!”
Jul 10, 2014
St. Louis, MIssouri
2013 R3T
My local dyno tuner does not use tune-ECU, so my only option is to have them install a PC-V since that is the platform they work on.

I currently am running Nels Touring Tune, and have been pleased, but really would like to dial in the performance and see some hard numbers.

Before I pull the trigger, am I ok to stick with this as my base tune, or should I flash it back to the stick tune?
It’s too bad really. I gave my trusted tuner a 5 minute intro to tuneecu and he actually said he liked it! The only downside is you can’t live tune with it.

But, adding the power commander will get you a good tune, provided the tuner actually takes the time to do it right!

It’s easy to tell the difference too! If it runs great, gets decent economy cruising, I’d say they did a good/decent job. Don’t fret about numbers! A well tuned bike is so much fun to ride!