What did you do to your Rocket today?

It's allways a good idea to get your **** together before mounting !
My neighbour has 2 young boys aged 5 and seven . I promised them sweets and gave them a bucket and brush and put them both on the roof of my van to clean the moss off ! I had them booked in to do a few chimneys but their mother wanted too much of the profits !
I stopped messing around with bike lifts yesterday, but cleaned the gear position sensor and removed the back half of the heel-and-toe shifter to give my clown feet a little more space.

Then went for a ride!

25 miles in the evening sun, then picked up my daughter and we went to my cousins pub for dinner.

Riding home was my first Rocket-in-the-dark experience and I was pleasantly surprised by how good the lights are.

What???? How many pints in were you????
They are rubbish....@1olbull has plenty of info/research on this problem - on low beam stopping distance exceeds illumination at around 60 km/h on my roadster. Its fine on high beam but you don't make friends riding around my part of the world with highs on
Lol, I take it your experiences of the lights aren’t that positive?
They are quite possibly the worst lights I have ever had the misfortune to ride with.
Even the P45 45/45 Watt light originally on my 40 year old Guzzi had a better beam.