Family time yesterday and Bike PM day today after several 200+ mile riding days including lunch with Ogre and wife T at Three Bananas.
1. Checked all plugs, cleaned them and swapped them around. No more carbon-rich fouling on cyl 1.
2. Cleaned and oiled K&N air and temp filters again.
3. Cleaned throttle linkage and TB area with filters off. Oiled. Really need to steam clean or blow out the crap though.
4. Topped off air in tires.
5. Replaced all 4 MAP hoses and connector with brand new ones and zip tied the ones I could reach.
6. Replaced the stripped front caliper pin.
7. Replaced temp kickstand sensor splice with a new $10 used sensor - stuck it under the tank.
8. Cleaned out the under-seat trunk and started organizing all the crap.
9. Touched up with The Last Coat.
4/14 Update: Holy crap, it's almost like a brand new bike. So smooth idling and taking off.
After all these improvements I just need to tweek the TB's a bit when I get home and it will be perfect.
I didn't install the new used coil I bought for #1 cylinder or the extra power and ground cables yet.