What did you do to your Rocket today?

Reverted my exhaust back to stock. I had a set of D&D mounted that I’ve been running the last couple of months, but my significant other & riding partner said she won’t ride as passenger or follow me on her bike with them, they are too loud. So I was relegated to the rear which I don’t mind except when I am supposed to be leading the ride. Liked the power boost, but prefer to ride with her more. So off go the D&D and quieted it back down. They sure sound and look great though.

I also installed the chrome trim on the rear frame fender rails and passenger floor boards. Probably more chrome than I really wanted, but I was tired of looking at the boxes and figured I should enjoy the parts while I still can.

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Anyone have a photo of how / where they added the second negative ground wire?

I have the Rocket electrical diagram, but for us guys new to the Rocket, photos tell more than words.
It's neither words nor photos you need. Just look at how the OEM wire is run, and follow that, either by doubling with a stock, or by going to a cable place and making up one with a heavier gauge wire.

Photos can't show how the wire is run inside the frame, and even it it did, a photo of a modded bike would look no different than a stock bike - so no new information.
1103AE4B-0240-46C6-8263-DC9D93D7476B.JPG Have my 2010 Roadster now for 4 days, and, with english electronics..., the heated grips didn't heat up anymore. Checked the wiring and connections, all looked fine. After the check, warm grips again! Maybe a bad relais? Tomorrow a cold sunny day, I'll take a spare with me:D
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Went for a ride through the downtown to see the Cherry Blossoms. Avoided the Basin to stay away from crowds and just toured around East Potomac Park. Police closed Ohio Dr shortly after we passed through though because there were still a ton of folks down there. Less than in years past, but still too many walkers and picnickers to keep it open. Was a beautiful day and we kept our social distance on the out and back.

For those who can’t get out for the time being, I hope this passes quickly and we can get back to your regular daily and weekend programming.
Oil change, new brake pads, big battery cables, put on some T-Bird chrome line pads for the floor boards and brake pedal, all of the spring look over and tightening up things, cleaned her up and now.......... We Ride At Dawn!!!!!! :)
