What did you do to your Rocket today?

I'm just glad there werent any 'Hotties" there....whew!!!....mouth to mouth aint my thing with ugly buggers like our Chris!!
I wanted him riding behind me in case he fell off in front of me!!...
Nah, not really...he is a good bugger and i'm proud to call him my friend...

Cheers Terry I and very humbled by that.

Found that tire pressure gauge I was going to give you on Saturday still sitting on the top of the tool box.

Will get it to your place tomorrow afternoon and leave in the post box.

And I'm glad you went to sleep quickly on Saturday night as too much more of your funny stories and I think would have had a heart attack and died laugh my arse off.

Your mate Chris
I went on a 450 mile ride around the "lower half" of the Chesapeake Bay on Saturday. There were 8 of us. Mostly Harleys, a couple of old GoldWings and me. Weather was beautiful. Started out in the lower 40's, but soon and for the majority of the ride it was in the low-mid 60's. All and all good day!
Changed out the coils chasing my cylinder intermittently dropping out when bike gets hot/warmed up. Really getting frustrating. So far:

Changed out ignition, thought it was fixed.
Recrimped coil power leads, thought it was fixed
Changed crank position sensor, thought it was fixed.
Today I changed the coils, we'll see.
Also swapped out the 3 seat bolts for marine pins with ball catch, they seem too small in diameter, all 3, very loose, but might stay in, no real pull on them, I've been riding without the two side bolts anyway and never noticed a difference.
So, where are you now? You are leaving the bike somewhere and flying home?

I’m staying at my brothers place near Orlando. I took a nice ride through Ocala forest to Ormand Beach down to Daytona and back today dodging some rain.

I’m having a lot of fun so I’ve decided to extend my “Border-to-Border Southern Comfort” and add “Part C” to my trip.

I’m taking a run down to Key West.

Andy/Ogre and pillion T wanted to go with me but The timing was bad.

After I get back here I’ll fly home and return next summer to ride it up to NY.

I had fun today “scaring” locals and tourists...

Took mine for a nice sedate run - Not ridden it for 2 weeks and not ridden any real distance on it for a month. Filled up close to home and the attendant warned of a lot of Traffic Checks - And blimey - they weren't kidding. So I was happy to take things easy.

After a solid month of KTM'ing it felt like being on a tank. For better and for worse. Reminded me what I wanted the R3 to do when I bought it - what it does well, and what it does not.
If we get another decent day next week I'll do the same route on the little KTM.
Started 4th week of this adventure.

Rode some, wrenched some...

10/22. 250 miles Orlando to Homestead Fl
Bike was hesitating for 75 miles and I barely made it into Hotel parking lot.

10/23 3.5 miles. Cleaned and tightened battery wires, crimped coil connectors, tried in vain to find a plug wrench.
Took it to a MC shop.

10/24 Shop found 2 bad plugs and replaced all 6, fixed clutch cable, checked for any other issues.
Left at 1:30pm and made ia wonderful run across the keys to Key West for a birthday sunset and walked up famous Duval St during Fantasy Fest event. Crazy!!
Rode back at night - not fun.
275 miles total.

10/25 260 miles across the Everglades and up to Venice Fl. Almost got squished by a tractor trailer who didn’t see me in a torrential rain storm. Passed me on the right side on the shoulder, cut me off, moved to middle lane and never slowed down.WOW, close call!

10/26. 180 miles back to my brothers house.

10/27 0 hanging with family
10/28 0 R&R

10/29 270 miles R/T to Cedar Key on the Gulf Coast for a late lunch.
Love it there and should have stayed over night....
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Man, another two weeks and I would have been down there, I could have met up with you, or put you up for a night.