What did you do to your Rocket today?

667cc per leg. Ah, yes that’s what I thought - the joke about 334cc per pair got me.

I’m a child of the US metric adoption flip flop so I struggle with it but google is my friend... 1cc cubic centimeter = 1ml = 1/1000 Litre.

So is this right:
increasing the air chamber from 89mm to 110mm or 21mm = 19% less fluid?

Probably fuzzy logic but that would
mean 667x.81 = 540cc X 2 forks = 1080cc = a 1 litre bottle plus 80ml out of a second bottle to do my custom job?

So I had to pay for 2 bottles and that would be proper then.

I’m sure they used another customers leftovers and had they offered to give me the almost-full second bottle I would have declined as much I’m traveling light.

The good news is that the Wilber’s progressive fork springs are now working properly and she rides like a dream with the front dropped to match the shorter rear shocks. I wish I’d done it 14 years ago!!

Now I have to correct my Roadster.

Umm nope

Just approximately 23.6% more air space in the chamber dependent on the top cap thread's intrusion into the sealed chamber. That is all you can conclude.

But even Wilbers supply and charge you for a 2 litre bottle of oil if you get their kit.

I would have to go back and look, but, as far as I remember I ended up with like 80mm or 90mm air gap after trying the triumph 110 with the wilbers front springs. Used 10 weight oil to increase camping. I love how the front feels now, planted, doesn't judder, doesn't try and fold under in tight corners like stock did and doesn't wallow.

With 110 I found initial diving was largely solved, but, I was bottoming the forks under hard braking. The local suspension dude I was working with indicated the airgap will mostly effect the bottom third of the stroke, true or not I can't say, but the bike doesn't bottom when threshold braking any more, but still uses the majority of travel, keeping a little travel in reserve for bumps.
Took Mufasa out for a romp today for the first time in 41 days, **** kidney stone still around, but I said to hell with it, I need some wind therapy.

Saw a Third on the freeway, waved, generally a nice ride to shake off cob webs.

Poor bike really needs a good "toothbrush" style cleaning. Everytime I've been out in 2019 I've been caught in wet conditions.
Cleaning can be a pita~ And very time consuming. So I do the following and it goes a long ways in making the bike nice again.

I start out with h2o2, hydrogen peroxide, for the bugs, spray and wipe off as best a possible. Then I use S100 all over the bike, not the seat, and use S100 wheel cleaner(another product for the wheels.) Simply rinse off with a light spray. Then I blow dry with a leaf blower. Takes about an hour.
Apply new wax as needed,

Love the "business" look of your bike mate,the way form runs parallel with function...can you tell me or give me a link for your front mud Guard