What causes the strange "clackity" sound on the intakes?


Aug 10, 2015
Dayton, OH or Joliet, IL
2013 R3R
I've wondered this ever since I've had the bike. When I bought it, it had a ram air kit on it. I've since installed the 3 separate K&Ns, and it makes this sound with both. Do any of you know what causes it? It's actually louder than the TORS exhaust...
Turning the ignition on and starting the engine

Seriously though I would suspect your hearing the valves harmonics from opening and closing at high speeds. The old air plenum and filter under the seat muzzled the sound.
I have the same noise since I installed the ram air, some call it crickets ( sound they make sounds like crickets chirping ) I agree with what Warp9 said about the stock plenum muzzells it. I have just been living with it
It's a pity the rocket intake sounds so gay when opened up. I had a v twin before with k&n pods and it's intake sounded so deep and throaty when the throttled was rolled on.
There was also a phooooshhh sound when u b lipped the throttle

Ah well the old plenum will quieten down the crickets and leave me with a spooling sound
Its the sound of 3 small block Chevy pistons making vacuum and power.