I decided I wanted a lighter looking front fender so got a glass one in from the U.K. it was very well made BUT ! when I mounted it on the bike it just didn't look right, first I cursed that I'd spent $ on something that didn't work and was all wrong
But then just looking at it (As I do) I realised that sitting it lower on the forks so as not to have that big gap, the radius of the Fender didn't match the Radius of the tyre (I should say here that I fitted the 140 section tyre some years ago, would never go back to the 150)
So I put the standard Fender back on but was back to the original problem of too much gap
Maybe it's not so bad, but at first impressions I wasn't happy.
I must say that this is because of the smaller tyre,
nothing to do with the Fender itself.
The quality of the product was excellent.
Total cost landed here in NZ, NZ$140.00, US$100.00.