Werkes - early observations and a couple of tips for installation

Do you know part number for exhaust gasket
I am seriously thinking about to buy this exhaust. My only concern is about removing the cat and problems with the law. What do you think about it?
I guess it depends on where you live (not visible on your profile). As far as the law goes just stay close to a bunch of Harley guys and you're covered. Seriously, like a lot of custom exhausts, if you're cruising it's not too loud, but when you twist the grip hard you'll be EF Hutton....
I am seriously thinking about to buy this exhaust. My only concern is about removing the cat and problems with the law. What do you think about

And when you let off the throttle under load (e.g., decelerating), there's some pretty loud popping, even with the silencers in. So if you're in a place where they really crack down on noise, you should be careful for sure.


I live in Denver, Colorado. I think this is the HD kingdom. And those guys don’t care about the noise. My other concern is about the emissions, as you know the cat is responsible for reducing them. Here in Colorado you need to inspect your vehicle for emissions, if you need to renew your registration. I don’t know if that inspection applies to motorcycles as well. I would need to check.
In that case keep the stock on hand for the once/year inspection.