Well, the night started out great

**** that looks a mess. Real shame I hope that you at least got to take the deer home for a few dinners or did it just get up and run off.
We are home now. They gave Melissa a cat scan and a bunch of x-rays. Nothing broken. Did an ultrasound on her abdomen to check for ruptured spleen etc. All good. We both got a tiny bit of road rash. Thank God we were geared up. You never know when it's going to be your turn. It's been said before, if you have to crash, a rocket seems to do a decent job minimizing damage to its passengers. It's parked in a fellows driveway right near the crash site right now. I'll go get it tomorrow and do an assessment of the damage. Monetarily it's totaled, but that doesn't mean I won't fix it if the frame isn't bent and I can buy it back cheap enough. Both my Corbin bags are broke :(
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Fred,sorry to be reading this,glad to hear Mellisa and yourself have minimal road rash.wishing the both of you a speedy recovery,but be prep aired to feel a bit worse tomorrow.A shame about your R3 you will just have to replace it with abetted version.
Jesus Fred terrible luck brother. Glad it’s only bumps and scrapes. Bikes can be fixed. Let me know if I can help in any way
Holy Crap!!!! I just read elsewhere you had an encounter with a deer, didn't realise till I read this thread it was more than just an encounter but a full on engagement, I am glad to read that you and Melissa are OK and hopefully you will be able to fix the bike especially after having fixed the motor recently
s**t mate glad to hear you and your other half made it through relatively unscathed. if Deer are anything like the Roo's over here you can't pick which way their gonna go.
they are just as unpredictable but them buggers are worse as they are just as likely to come out in the middle of the day, when I was over there and we were doing The Three Twisted Sisters, near Leakey Texas we saw heaps and there were two or three together sometime as many as eight in a bunch