Well that was a wasted afternoon!..Riser Install.

Well maybe not quite 1.5 inches but you get the idea.
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Sounds like a plan and thanks. Unfortunately that would require a TOTAL redo of my Brakeaway throttle lock putting it out of reach. Something I am unwilling to do.

The plan is to move the line behind or if I don't like that, I will do what @Claviger suggests. I'm just waiting on his vetting the thread situation on one fitting. I got the banjo bolt with a bleeder today and my vacuum bleeder yesterday. Waiting on a few more things. I may even finally put my Ramair on when I raise the tank..
@Bedifferent please make sure you have a helper - one to sit on the bike and hold the bar, and the other to tighten the bolts on the risers.
Hey it wasn't a complete waste of time, you got me off my ass to start figuring out the brake line extension thing once and for all.

Additionally, for anyone wanting to change out the master cylinder to something more potent, on the Roadster the right controls and mastercylinder are a single unit, vice two separate items like on the Touring. This find allows me to move forward with another mod I was working through how to do

So... while you did some work twice, it was at least helpful to me, thanks
@Bedifferent Just a thought after looking at mine there is a removable brace on the top triple tree of mine. Could you remove the brace and the center tin and sneak the whole mc through the gap between the neck and right fork tube? Looks like it would fit on mine. That way the line would be behind the top triple tree and you wouldn't have to disconnect anything to get it there. Providing yours is the same butt of course.