So I thought this would be a good day to install my Rivco Risers on my 2015 R3T ABS. Not!!
I get everything removed and the risers installed and set the handlebars in the risers (not without difficulty). That is where things came to a screeching halt.
I can tell you there isn't any way the bars will set down on the risers and be located in a riding position because the hydraulic brake line is too short. The only way I see it working is if you remove the banjo fitting from the master cylinder and relocate the line behind the handlebar yoke. That is going require a major brake line bleed. I had to tear it all back apart and return things back to the way it was when I started. An afternoon wasted and back to square one.

And what about the little red plastic piece attached around the lead ferrule on the lever end of the clutch cable? I had to destroy that to get the cable out of the lever. Is that critical?