Well that was a wasted afternoon!..Riser Install.

I put the Classic bars on first without the risers, took it for a ride, first time I made an acute right turn, it pulled the left bar out of my hand, it was gone, I couldn't reach it. Perfect with the risers.

You crack the bleeder with the lever still pulled in. SV Racing recommends it be done a couple of nights and it really worked. You hear a "snap" as the air bubble is released.

When I got my VStrom back from the sidecar company, they had gooned the front brake lines and it was very spongy. It took me two nights to get them back with a firm pull. I just sent a note to SV Racing with the Triumph banjo size to see if he has them.

Everything is ordered with the last thing coming in to be the longer clutch cable. Hopefully I can get back on it next week.
I have 1/2 the brake extension parts in hand, Will do some pics to show how it will all go together.

The ABS extension stuff is super simple.
Posted a how to under "Rocket Performance".

I see what you did now! Do they make a 45 or 90 on that banjo connector? I think I'll move the line behind the tree to start with. If I don't like it, I'll extend it like you have shown. Thanks for the graphic.

Edit....... Ignore the 45 or 90 degree banjo question....I found some.
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I need to do a little more vetting to make sure there are no unexpected surprises. Give me another few days to test it all since I’m missing a couple of items still.
Jack-Be-Quick makes 1-1/4" spacers to fit under the stock risers for the Touring. Only $42 including shipping and bolts.
No need to change the hoses around.
@Bedifferent Sorry that I'm late for the show on this thread. I had the same issue with my 13 with ABS. I just loosened the master cylinder and slid it about 1.5 inches away from the grip. Gives you enough slack in the hose so ya don't have to do anything else.

Turns out that I like it better there anyway. Puts the crook in the lever directly where my index finger goes when I grab it.