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@RocketRoger... I am glad the you are doing better.. by the way... You know you can get a Rocket trike... just saying.. it would be great to know you where out there in the wind... ride safe..
Hi I'm Ned just bought myself a 2014 Rocket 3 3 weeks ago. So far managed to get a 1000 miles on it and loving it. Having come from a sportsbike I am finding the riding position a dream. Wife loves being on it as well.

Welcome Ned from another Aussie

Oh well I suppose it has come to this

Such is Life
Ned Kelly
( this should have gone in the good quotes thread) how could us Aussies forget that one,I even have it Tattood on my arm!:rolleyes:
@RocketRoger... I am glad the you are doing better.. by the way... You know you can get a Rocket trike... just saying.. it would be great to know you where out there in the wind... ride safe..

When I bought my R3R, told wife I would convert to a trike when I got "old."
Yes need my face in the wind. For now, like a dog, I must settle for putting my head out of car window. :cool:
Born and raised in Ill. Lived in Washington State sense 1971. In a few d image.jpg ays I will turn 69. Purchased 2011 R3R October 2013. January 30, 2014 at just past noon a DUI driver crossed the center lain and hit me head on. My R3R was totaled and I was almost totaled. Heart stop twice, seven weeks and 8 operations later out of Harbor View hospital. Out of rehab and home for two mths. Still a long way to go... Thanks again for the support and prayers. I am a living miracle.

Ride safe and look out for the other guy!

Welcome back to forum posting, Amigo. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::D
Real good to have you back here and I for one look forward to your warm, friendly posts.
BTW - My brother, Dan, and I are fixing on a Monday ride to the Tri-Cities.
This time I shall indeed bring your gifts from RAA X - FINALLY!
Are you going to be around Monday afternoon/evening?
Our exact itinerary is not yet set as we intend to visit a couple other buddies, one in Richmond & one in Kennewick.
Are you up to going out for dinner yet?
Talk more soon and shall keep you posted.
Thanks! It's good to be hear.

I am very happy to see your name pop up here on the forum Roger. And am very happy to think of you out in the breeze, even as a pup does. I hope you can once more enjoy the free air about you on the open rode... Stay strong brother!
WOW talk about great suprises we knew you would post again just did not know when. TOTALLY great to hear from you!!!!!!!!!!!! hope all is still going forward

Welcome back to forum posting, Amigo. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::D
Real good to have you back here and I for one look forward to your warm, friendly posts.
BTW - My brother, Dan, and I are fixing on a Monday ride to the Tri-Cities.
This time I shall indeed bring your gifts from RAA X - FINALLY!
Are you going to be around Monday afternoon/evening?
Our exact itinerary is not yet set as we intend to visit a couple other buddies, one in Richmond & one in Kennewick.
Are you up to going out for dinner yet?
Talk more soon and shall keep you posted.
Thanks for the gifts. Good to see you guys. Just like you...could have mailed the items, but why waste a reason for a ROAD TRIP.
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