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Nice bike Dawg, I am getting a set of headers that are similar to yours. Did you try yours without the wrap and how hot were they?

These ones were triple chromed but with the tune I was running on it she got super hot, The heat colour on the chrome looked great and of a night ride hard and it would glow so wrapped em up... more user freindly and the way I have customized the bike I wanted the old skool look anyway so was a win win bloke
Welcome back Bulldawg. I see your bike around a bit you parked beside my roadster at Greenbank car show last year. I watched you run against and beat a 12 second commadore at willowbank on a test and tune day.
G'day one and all.

Hi fellas, Just thought I would pop in and say a few words. Some names I recognise from other forums in the past but most are new to me. Had my Roady for almost a couple of years now and totally enjoying it. I ride it more than any of the others, its just so easy to ride for a big beast. Have had no issues with it and keep it well serviced. As you may have seen in the pics I have done a bit of cosmetic work, the tweaking of the engine, well I leave that to my mechanic. I dont spend too much time on the net as I get fairly busy with my work but I will try to get here as often as time will permit. Hope to meet some of you in time. Regards Malcolm.
Welcome aboard Malcy. Coolo lookin' bike mate; really like what you've done to the front guard. Hope to catch up at some stage.
Hey Mal... Bringing bike down to Sydney with me on trailer, Have ordered stator from Bike Bandits and gettin Snake from S & R Pro to do for me... x fingers is done in time or I will be on the Harley.... Lookin forward to catchin uo all beit under bad sircumstances....
Thanks for the comments CanberraR3, A bit tricky but worth it. Another story.
Baz will catch up for sure, let it be on the Rocket, camera might come out mate as i am starting to make a Rocket photo board for the shed. Cheers guy's.
New owner of a '12 RRIII from south DFW (Texas). Also have a '10 TBird, and a 05 speedmaster. Found this site to be much more active than the TriumphRat site, so I joined, and have already found so much more helpful info here. Cheers to everyone, and stay safe!
Welcome aboard Doc. There's a few on here that you won't want to listen to and never take any of their advice - but I'll leave it to you to work out which of the black bike owners I'm talking about.
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