Took deliver of my first road bike on 7/15/2011, a 2012 Phontom Black r3. got to see it come out of the box and everything. What a machine, may be the first customer in the country to take delivery! Rode to work this a.m. (Sunday morning @5am) had a couple Utah Highway Patrol Cruisers come up on me and cking in out.
I opened it up at the junction of I-15N to I-80W, a sweeping left hand curve with a good incline just after you come out of it. Wow! Torque for days. Blasted from 55 to 85 in 5th on the hill like nothing.
What a machine!
I don't know where triumph get off though calling a bike a 2012 when it's still months away. The way I see it if it's made in 2011 and sold in 2011 then it's 2011 just saying
anyone know if triumph has addressed the ignition problem in the '12 model year as that would be a great talking point to address triumphs' "lack of knowledge" of the problem???
I rode my 84 aspencade into ground. Got an 06 classic with beetle bags, corbin solo seat, windshield and foot boards. Thread was showing on both tires so I'm going to the dark side right from the start. Raptor 225-55-16. Metzler on the front. Front axle was frozen tight. Impact wouldn't touch it. Penetrating oil, torch and big cheater bar finally got it loose. Looking forward to tackling the rear.
I rode my 84 aspencade into ground. Got an 06 classic with beetle bags, corbin solo seat, windshield and foot boards. Thread was showing on both tires so I'm going to the dark side right from the start. Raptor 225-55-16. Metzler on the front. Front axle was frozen tight. Impact wouldn't touch it. Penetrating oil, torch and big cheater bar finally got it loose. Looking forward to tackling the rear.
Good choice on the rear tire, personally I would suggest an Avon Cobra for the front rather than another metzler, enjoy the new bike. When ready to up the HP this is the place to find all you need to know ... Welcome to the site.
Dcycle69 here. Bought my '08 Rocket classic with settlement $ after an ******* foced me to lay down my kawi voyager and busting up my left side. Best accident ever though, I survived and got the best motorcycle on the market!!!