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gentlemen, et al. i'm new to the site , live in western north carolina (tail of the dragon and all that), and am trading my 2002 yamaha warrior 1700 for a 2005 rocket 3 this fri. the first time i saw the beast, my heart stopped & i knew this was my machine - although i hope my wife can't tell the difference as she dosen't know yet! it will be a great christmas surprise! the weather here can be pretty mild in the winter & i ride as much as i can. i would like to know if anyone has suggestions on aftermarket accessories? regards, stevebeat
cograts Steve on the new bike I make it down to your area often (Maggie Valley) for riding think I was there at least once a month this year from march to sept. We had to rocket events there this year also. I will look you up the next time I am there welcome
thanks for the welcome!

going to pick my 2005 RC3 up tomorrow (fri 12/4/09). man, i've not been this excited since i got my very 1st bike! haven't told my wife yet but she might not notice for a while. thanks for the welcome. are there going to be any RC3 events in the near future? please let me know. i'm planning on taking a cross-country trek from western north carolina this spring. anyone else interested? regards, stevebeat
My computer skills are worthless. Trying to figure out how to post a picture, sorry for that last waste of space!

Just bought an 09 Phantom Black Rocket at the Calgary cycle show this January past. Picked it up this March 16th past during one of our Alberta 2 day warm spells. Waited 5 minutes and back to winter (bummer).

Cut my teeth on a 72 Bonneville for 7 years in Vancouver, way back when. Prior to this new bike rode a Yamaha V-STAR 1100 Classic for 8 years. No comparison to the Rocket. Have only logged 450 km's so am still in the break in phase. Waiting for the weather to behave and it will be off to the Rocky Mountains for some twisty's and let her loose.


Welcome! Have fun, it is addictive!!!


I too call calgary home. were you in bragg creek last week end? thursday another 15 degrees day great riding day.. we can ride up if you care 403 685 8075
From where?

Hope I haven't sabotaged my membership too quickly! I do tend to self destruct....

I'm from Maine, and have just become the proud owner of an '05 Rocket iii! OMG! Now I understand what all the grinning is about! This site is fantastic, looks to loaded with info and friendly advise.

I'm just getting into riding after many years without a bike. My last was a '69 Bonny that I stupidly sold in 1990 after I got married, moved north, and settled into raising the family etc, and never found time to ride anyway. I'm awfully pleased with my recent purchase and with this site! I'm gleaning it for info.... and am thinking about my first mods already.
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