Welcome to the 2010 Thunderbird Forum!

I also got the same email today.

Looks to me as if Triumph are desperate for pre-orders........ "Let the world see the strength of your convictions" !?!??!?!?

I'm not too impressed with the T-bird in tourer mode IMO it looks much better nekkid

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Nekked is always hotter! Dress up is nice when your on a long haul, but stripped down just brings out the best in any bike...well maybe not a stripped down Goldwing!
ugly tour

I think the tour model is ugly as hell! Looks like a 80's yamaha. But all triumphs touring attempts look pretty lame to me! Put a small shield such as a windvest and some sweet leather bags(hepco becker) and your set to go. Gauges ??? Probably not to important to look at much on this type bike.
The pipes allow the radiator to blend better. I not a big fan of the flared or trumpet like
muffs. Straight pipe would do thid bike better. Some nice hidden baffles to knock down the high end and good to go. Like the handle bars - Would look good on a rocket if you can get the proper riding position.

I just picked up my shiny brand-new 2010 Thunderbird this morning...
....Heckuva nice bike...:D

Looks like I'm not going to miss that Harley as much as I had anticipated...:rolleyes:
...I see it's belt final drive. Personally, I've never been a fan of a belt final drive, especially if belt replacement requires major disassembly of the engine (as in HD). I've always felt that a belt final drive makes a bike look like a Whizzer (I'm giving my age away). I prefer a drive shaft or even an 'O' or 'X' ring chain. Modern, sealed lubricant chain assemblies are clean and reliable and drive shafts last forever (well, almost all the time, the R3 is an exception). If the drive cogs can be accessed with major disassembly, that would be a plus. I've seen more than one belt drive destroy itself from ingestion of a small stone between the cog and belt...

I'm very, very sorry to say this, my dear friend Sidecar Flip... But U are totally wrong on that!!! In my long & very, very happy biking career, I had a Yamaha Virago (with a shaft drive) & many other 'O' or 'X' ring chain driven bikes... & I must say (though I'm not a fan of the HD department at all...) that HD had it all very, very right by inventing the belt drive...:D A belt drive combines the advantages of shaft & chain drives, without hauling along any of the "disadvantages"... Clean, quiet, & lightweight smoothness!!! I always wondered why is it that other manufacturers don't adapt the belt-drive more often... I've personally already test-driven a Thunderbird in it's basic version, cause my local Triumph provider didn't dispose of the "Big-Bore" version at the time... & I've fallen in love with it! Even in it's basic version:rolleyes: But I think that I'll have to import my Thunderbird from the US of A! Cause it's almost twice as expensive here in France, then it is in the states...:eek:
Welcome to this great forum :). Am in love with my Dec. '09 1700cc T'Bird. Apart from a minor coolant leak around the thermostat, fixed under warranty @ 500k's or so by means of a new gasket, it has been totally trouble-free. No belt alignment issue whatsoever either (believe said issue as debated on another forum is largely blown out of proportion).

With best wishes. Jamie:cool:

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