Weather Stripping Gap in Headtub Box?

Yeah, mine was so filthy with bugs, sand, and evaporated road grime before I sealed it up. The only reasoning I can come up with the way they did it is that the ambient air temperature sensor is in there and they wanted a constant air flow. But has been pointed out, the backside is practically wide open so air flows quite freely without the forced rain inlet. I've had it open a few times since sealing it up and still so nice and clean and dry the way it should have come from the factory. Also, be sure the j channel has not been pushed down away from the cowl or you'll have another big rain crud inducing gap.
Could you provide a link for the one you got so I don't have use any precious energy to look?
This is what I used. I also put some silicone grease in the groove under it to help hold it in place. You see a bunch of them pushed down allowing a gap between the seal and cowl. Just push the seal up to the cowl if the cowl is tight and you have a gap. I put the seam at the top as there are plenty of ways for drainage.

Another place to watch for problems
Thanks I just ordered that, said I'll have it tomorrow.