Petroleum Consummate
Yeah, mine was so filthy with bugs, sand, and evaporated road grime before I sealed it up. The only reasoning I can come up with the way they did it is that the ambient air temperature sensor is in there and they wanted a constant air flow. But has been pointed out, the backside is practically wide open so air flows quite freely without the forced rain inlet. I've had it open a few times since sealing it up and still so nice and clean and dry the way it should have come from the factory. Also, be sure the j channel has not been pushed down away from the cowl or you'll have another big rain crud inducing gap.I still scratch my head trying to figure out what their line of thinking was. A drain at the bottom? So if it rains and you're trying to get home on the Rocket at any speed the rain shoots up into the bottom of the box and soaks all the components but when you park your Rocket it drips to the bottom and out the opening? There should be no openings at all. Water damage will and is going to be a problem if it gets in. The entire box should be water tight. I don't get it.![]()