Agree with you,
@skydog1000 has been at my house esveral times fixing my rocket and he refuses payment,
@warp9.9 works on my bike at all the RAAs,
@Steel was my personal reverse gear at Montrose when my hand was broken,
@Speedy changed my manifold gaskets at an RAA, can't remember which one,
@nolton gave me a set of brakes and bulbs for my bike.
@Tripps gave me a set of calipers for my bike delivered to my door,
@R3Tex brought my wife"s broken Spyder from Moab Utah to Denton Texas at no charge at all,
@breeze brought me a filter to Flagstaff Arizona at RAA,
@HansO edition,
@HansO sent me a special Rocket shirt from Australia,
@JoseyR3Wales gave me a Mexican head rag and a very old coin that i keep in my safe at the first RAA that i attended, and you
@scot in exile gave me a shirt with my logo on it, im sure i'm forgetting a bunch of good stories but this is just a few that i can remember and share