Washed bike now no tachometer

Ha :p


I WILL not be defeated:D:D

Skip I do have a choice

He heads for the rain clouds I go around the other way......He gets wet......I dont;)
my guess is It's the fuse that is labled heated grips ... it also powers the the tach and other things.

Thanks for the above post after spending eight plus hours resetting the TPS thanks to warp9.9 I then noticed after I plugged in a mini compressor that didn't run that I had no tachometer. WTF but thanks to you all good again..

Just o rings for oil tank left to sort so I can get back on the the bike.
Thanks for the above post after spending eight plus hours resetting the TPS thanks to warp9.9 I then noticed after I plugged in a mini compressor that didn't run that I had no tachometer. WTF but thanks to you all good again..

Just o rings for oil tank left to sort so I can get back on the the bike.
NOW That's what i call resurrecting the DEAD - 8 Year old Post almost to the day.........