In middle of August I will be trying many of the Polish dishes as I'm attending my friend and business partners wedding. It is being held up in the North Eastern part of Poland at a place called Wizajny on the Lithuanian border. The pronunciation of the towns name is rather amusing to those with English as their native tongue. I shall let our Polish brethren explain...
In middle of August I will be trying many of the Polish dishes as I'm attending my friend and business partners wedding. It is being held up in the North Eastern part of Poland at a place called Wizajny on the Lithuanian border. The pronunciation of the towns name is rather amusing to those with English as their native tongue. I shall let our Polish brethren explain...
In middle of August I will be trying many of the Polish dishes as I'm attending my friend and business partners wedding. It is being held up in the North Eastern part of Poland at a place called Wizajny on the Lithuanian border. The pronunciation of the towns name is rather amusing to those with English as their native tongue. I shall let our Polish brethren explain...
Its probably two hours away from where i lived
Prepare for at least 3 days of non stop drinking. Proper drinking
If you want to pronounce the closest would be "Veejayne" not get mistaken by vaginy lol
Yes but its made by miller brewing now amd Old Style is now produced by pabst brewing now. I think pretty much since 1996. Not sure if anyone took over special export or if its made anymore at all. The G. Heileman Brewing Company of La Crosse, Wisconsin which was bought by Strohs in 96 is where they lost there independence and flavor
Well since you are out of clamato juice. that there V8 you have in the lower crisper drawer and a couple rings of them kosher dills are good with Mickey's.