Big thanks to Warp 9.9

Also my voltage is .0618 according to my power commander.
I can only guess the power commander is link into the ecu via the cables and will only get the information that it is given I am not up on the power commander stuff but I can tell you I can open my throttle say 25% and then set the TPS to .60 but I guaranty it is not set right. Say I screw in the throttle stop 2 or 3 turn so you can look and see the throttle plates are open much more then they should be at closed throttle then I can run a ISCV reset and still set the TPS to .6 and adjust the stepper motor to .72. Of course I would not want that much air going in especially if I have not oxygen sensor to adapt the trims it will just muck it up. Remember Power Commanders are a piggy back units it gets signals from What ????
Also my voltage is .0618 according to my power commander.
I can only guess the power commander is link into the ecu via the cables and will only get the information that it is given I am not up on the power commander stuff but I can tell you I can open my throttle say 25% and then set the TPS to .60 but I guaranty it is not set right. Say I screw in the throttle stop 2 or 3 turn so you can look and see the throttle plates are open much more then they should be at closed throttle then I can run a ISCV reset and still set the TPS to .6 and adjust the stepper motor to .72. Of course I would not want that much air going in especially if I have no oxygen sensor to adapt the trims it will just muck it up for a wee bit until the pistons burn up.. Remember Power Commanders are a piggy back units it gets signals from What ????
Probably the ecu so it gets things like crank sensor, Map signals but does it know its the map sensor or is it just getting a fuel signal and does not even know whether the ecu is on the F tables or L tables? than there is the air temp, altitude, timing, water temp. and well probably more stuff then I know. Yes it is just a signal interceptor and increases or decreases the fuel signals its given. My guess is it does not even know or care if your running a map sensor or have the F to L switch over to any point at zero or not. them calculations are done in the ecu.

Oh and just to be clear I am not kicking power commander products as I have a PCV on the Titan. along with using the ecu software. It can be tuned per gear which means it gets a gear signal from the ecu which has different timing settings in each gear onless they have been copied from one timing table to the other. so it gets different information from the ecu while its in different gears and now has the ability to separate and fuel different from the information the ecu passes to it,
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I would like to thank @warp9.9 for taking time out of his busy schedule to hold my hand and walk me thru the problems I was recently having with my iscv reset !
Just another reason why this is the best darn site on the planet .
Thanks Warp , from a very grateful Englishman ! :) :) :)

if you want to please the polish freak of nature buy him some munedo/minoto/eff it some chicken soup:D I bunked up with warp for four nights and that boy is on a quest for the secret Mexican soup.
It can be tuned per gear which means it gets a gear signal from the ecu
Scott - that's not how it knows which gear its in. It has a built in calibration table - Output shaft clicks vs rpms. And the map/gear notably works. imho - anybody with a PCV who does NOT use map/gear is missing a BIG point.

The PVC is a piggy back box. A programmable but UNIVERSAL box. It is (as far as stock ECU goes) a read only solution. Basically it reads analogue data from the loom going to the injectors and from certain "universally available" sensors adjacent (plus other inputs you may additionally assign) and modifies the injector duration pulse. It does not read ECU PIDs as Bikes are not subject (yet?) to a standard OBD protocol. They are programmed at factory (as well as having plug and play harnesses fitted) to understand (analogue-digital) stock sensors - but can be re-calibrated. Whilst it is not that complex - it is actually fairly fast - this is notable especially when you log from the PCV. It may actually be a bit too fast in Auto-AFR adjusting.

I will add (for the general populous) that IMO the PCV runs better IF you make some small modifications to the ECU - esp F<->L switch values. It matters little to WOT tuning but under normal road conditions it will smooth out the beast an amazing amount. I thought I was going crazy but Rob confirmed.
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You can also map each cylinder indivually with the PCV.