Warning over battery blazes: Lithium powerpack fires hit a new high

This is indeed a big issue. I've also been playing with high draw lion and lifepo4 for years, like 10 years now without a single incident, sometimes pulling more than 30A from a single cell.

It's like everything else though, in the hands of the careless, ignorant, or lazy the danger skyrockets. Most people don't even know how to change their oil these days, so it's a big ask to expect them to learn the intricacies of lithium battery care.

In my eyes the car issues are related to the manufacturers trying to cut charging times to absurdly low levels, pushing very high amperage into batteries that are better suited to lower charge rates in an attempt to make them widely accepted as an ICE alternative.

I love electric/performance hybridized vehicles, but handing a 100KW pack on wheels to a Luddite who's never heard of thermal runaway is a terrible idea.
I have heard here in the UK where Porsche Taycan's can buzz and vibrate while charging on rapid chargers.
I don't think I would have the nerve to sit inside an electric car while it's charging. The idea spooks me. I'm not really wanting to be BBQ'd inside my own car.
The whole topic fires me right up because of lies being spun surrounding all the fuel technologies to advance gov/corp agendas, both to artificially improve the perception of some and crush the perception of others.

One known quantity that's an indisputable fact: Lithium battery tech is not the long term answer but explaining why a 30 year scale proves lithium will not solve our issues to some people is impossible. Sure there are actions in place to rebalance supply/demand right around 2026, but there is a much sharper inflection point projected around 2035 when simply scaling up is no longer sufficient.

Some references amongst....countless for that as a fact, not opinion:
Supply does not meet demand today, in 10 years when ICE are banned from new car sales in many places, what happens then? MSRP + 100k for a car? 200k? 12 month wait for an electric Corolla equivalent?

Ill keep my loud ass bikes and happily piss off all the converts until the day Gasoline is no longer sold.