I have done that in the past... on the R3R the dealer did not question it since they were trying to get me home and shopped for a car tire on a Sunday for me...
Wrecka I was thinking about going darkside just before I found this site .i also had an experience that changed my mind. I also did some research with the department of transport and they told me if any motorcycle organisation allowed a car tyre on a motor bike in Queensland that he would over rule it . That being the case you would be riding an unroadworthy vechile .no insurance , no third party insurance .that was enough for me .do it at your own risk .saying that I have ridden with several guys with car tyres since and not any of them have had an issue so far. The Bridgestone exedra max really was my only choice simply like you are now I was going through Metz and avons to quickly
Wrecka if you want go darkside I'm pretty sure the shop on the same side of the street as sthe triumph dealership about 4 shops back towards the M1 will fit the car tyre .