Want to make sure I have the Latest TuneBoy Tune

Doug Meek

.020 Over
Sep 25, 2008
I couldn't leave well enough alone, so I just finished installing triple K&N's on my 2006 R3 standard. It also has TORS and Cat bypass as well as TuneBoy. I also physically removed the secondaries and the O2 sensor. I installed the Dynojet O2 sensor bypass. The tune I have loaded is the 20050.3 custom tune from Wayne. It is supposed to be for my exact setup except it says pod filters (I assume Uni-filters) instead of K&N's. This tune also says something about ignition retard.

I have read through the TuneBoy posts to the point of brain overload. Do I have the best tune loaded for my bike, or have one of you geniuses out there in cyberspace tweaked an even better version? The bike has good power, but it is certainly not scary fast or what I would call awesome. I also have a slight amount of decel pop. Thanks in advance for your help. I defer to the wisdom of those who know a lot more about this stuff than I do!

Also, I have got to thank Pig9R for all of the great how-to postings he has posted. I just installed my triple K&N's by following his outstanding post to the letter. It was a breeze, and I didn't run into anything unexpected thanks to Pig9R's post. I really appreciate all of the help you fellows on this board have given me. I hope to be able to return the favor in the future as I gain more knowledge about the R3. It sure is a cool bike. I get asked about the bike all the time when I'm out riding it. Love that feeling. On my Harley (which I absolutely love) I'm just another Harley. Thanks again to everyone for all of your most helpful posts.


I ran that tune from Pig9r prior to having it upgraded to include PCIII data. It ran

great am waiting to try out the tune with the PCIII added. Should be great, I've

got the same upgrades as you.

The Tune is in

Finally had a chance to run my new tune from Pig9r. The tune was Triuphs latest with
Pig9r updates to be melded with the data from an PC III tune. Well to start it came out
gang busters, Spikes in the 3000 and 5000 rpm line reaching 15 16 AF (read lean)where gone. The new AF trace was in the 12.7 - 13.5 AF range, very clean and smooth. There was a 2 to 4HP increase and a TQ increase of the same, from 2000 - 6700. Max HP remained unchanged. Power delivery was smooth from 1000 to 7000.
Max HP135 TQ143

Enjoy and live Rocket III, Many Thanks Brian.