VTX 1800 N owner going to R3C


.020 Over
Aug 13, 2019
Ithaca, NY
2009 Classic


I’m from Upstate NY, I’ve owned 3 VTXs since 2005, customized all 3. My last was 2005 Neo that I tricked out to where I wanted my dream bike to be. (Thumbnail above)

I’ve always kept in the back of my mind the idea of eventually moving on to something else and how I’d go about it. After the cessation of production and the aftermarket products drying up for VTX 1800s, it’s definitely time to move on.

I’m not one to pay for labels. I’m not an HD sheep, even after owning 2. Indian is just as expensive and has never done much for me aside from the Chieftain Classic, which I do love the lines of.

Where do you go when you’ve had one of the biggest v-twin stock motors on a motorcycle? And you don’t want HD or Indian?

I test rode a 2009 R3C two weeks ago, I must say the performance was jaw dropping and neck whipping - literally. I was convinced immediately and I am buying it.

So far the inventory I’ve taken on it: TOR exhaust, PC V, airbox elimination, gear indicator and rear signal/plate relocation.

I plan on adding bags, upgrading headlights, EB relay, powder coating wheels and other accessories to keep the blacked out engine theme going throughout the bike. I do all of my own customizing/wrenching, mostly because it’s therapeutic and keeps me from strangling idiots.

Forums are always a great resource, thanks for keeping this one going, I know I’ll be using it.


Welcome from Seattle! Enjoy that beast.
Where in Upstate NY if you dont mind

For the record, my dialed in vtx feels like a moped compared to the R3.
Welcome, neighbor, from Genesee County. You'll find the Rocket getting harder and harder to find parts for, two, I hate to tell you.