.060 Over
Finally got the video of the rocket with Paul’s exhaust and got it uploaded to YouTube. It was all recorded with my iPad so sound quality doesn’t do it justice, but will give an idea of the difference. The perspective also fails to give a good account of the difference in acceleration from stock setup. Originally put in a tune from Martin Brighten and Liked the instantaneous throttle response but it was near impossible to accelerate in first gear without spinning the rear tire lol. Fun, but not in the rain. Found another tune which was actually a modified version of Martins done by John Miller. He softened up the response below 40% throttle. A little softer than I’d like at lower settings but still gets with it when you exercise your wrist in a proper manner 
To find it outside of the forum, search for Rocket 3 Viking exhaust in YouTube. I can’t get it to load here.
To find it outside of the forum, search for Rocket 3 Viking exhaust in YouTube. I can’t get it to load here.
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