Vavle Cover Gasket

Lickety Split

.060 Over
Dec 21, 2013
Savannah, Georgia
2014 R3R
What's the latest scoop on keeping the valve cover gasket in place with minimal leakage.Had this thing replaced not long ago at a dealership.Seems to me to be some silly bullcrap here going on. It's just a valve cover gasket. Going to replace this weekend. Some things you have to do yourself. So what...some gasket sealer a little super glue and perhaps a little extra torque I think?
And thanks in advance for your assistance. Going to head for the hills Monday on my first long trip on a motorcycle. Sure would hate to have any problem.
Set it out in the sun flat when you buy one you will see why. Clean bead a few dabs of super glue to head. Mind the surfaces and proper torque. Never had one leak yet.
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What's the latest scoop on keeping the valve cover gasket in place with minimal leakage.Had this thing replaced not long ago at a dealership.Seems to me to be some silly bullcrap here going on. It's just a valve cover gasket. Going to replace this weekend. Some things you have to do yourself. So what...some gasket sealer a little super glue and perhaps a little extra torque I think?
15,000 miles and no curls or leaks. Did use a high quality torque wrench and took my time. Torqued down to specs in manual but did use a drop or two of blue locktite. Did not use any super glue but did use a sealant on the tabs. I think the dealerships need to hire people that can read and comprehend what they have read. Pretty sad when you get a few miles on your bike and the gasket starts to leak. :(:(:(:(
Matey it has to be super super oil free and the gasket too...use brake and clutch cleaner to degrease the mating surfaces. This is the only way to stop these rubber gaskets "creeping" as you nail the cover down;)
Good timing for the tips guys, doing exactly this today, replacing the gasket. It was blown in the corner. Was debating whether to use regular bathroom silicone sealant that was in the shed as I'm cheap, however opted for spending £5 to buy some automotive. Same temperature range mind.


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search for valve cover gasket replacement quite a few threads on the subject , please do not over torque the bolts go by the factory settings it is not much, take your time and clean the whole area and as Warp said let it sit in the sun makes it a lot easier.
on automatic trans pans using silicone on a rubber gasket allows the gasket to slide out instead of compressing. i also see them just slide out on chrome pans so we use a fine sand paper to rough up the surface so it compresses. i do not know if this would be good on the rocket.
like warp says dry:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
Job done. Went and bought a 5-25nm torque wrench as the one I have starts at 50nm. Did it up nice and slowly alternating bolts a bit at a time. Seal sat in there nicely. Ended up taking the coils right off and the filler bits near the headstock to give more access. Wasnt too onerous, allow yourself plenty of time. Ride it tomorrow and see how it is. While I have the tank off I'll pull the pump filter out again and have another go at bending the fuel guage float to be more accurate (yep replacing the fuel filter I bent it)