Valve cover gasket?

Thank you !

My V65 Honda had the same type gaskets on the covers. Never changed those either. I completely tightened down one of the same type covers on my Valkyrie with the gasket hanging out the bottom . I took it back apart and assembled correctly and it still doesn't leak. I think either (A) Triumph cheaped out on the newer gaskets or (B) Some Richard head on the assembly line figured out a way to put it together that's easier for him, but fuggs the gasket up.
Mine didn't leak from new -- but certainly leaked when I put it back together -- so pretty sure I screwed up something. I realize there have been a few reports on the site by folks about Rockets they've just received having leaks.
Stock gasket leaked after 10,000 miles. Replaced and did valve check. At 25,000 miles did valve check and replaced gasket and seals (No Leaks). At 50,000 miles no leaks but did valve check and replaced cams. Now at a bit over 800 miles no leaks with new gasket and seals. Checked into new gaskets same as what is on the older bikes same manufacture.

Well, there goes theory (A).
I took a good look at today and could not find any bulging. The bike has 65K miles thus far and this seems to be one part that is actually holding up fine despite years of hard riding.

. . . and continuous abuse out in the weather.