Old post of mine about 8 weeks ago.
Well today was the day I found out exactly how much fuel the rocket holds.
Checked the trip meter this morning and thought should I tip some fuel out of the can into the bike had 230kms of around town ridding.
I'll be right will get some on the way home from work.
Well thats great get to work and arrange to meet up with a guy to show him my Rocket. Which he really liked it he said to me just ride up the hill 15 degree incline and ride back past his house. Loose grit all over the place and a bloody good hair pin bend not Too far past his place.
So heading home bike seems to be missing and farting every now and again.
By this time I had riden past 3 or more gas stations.
At a stop light I rode up to the front in the cycle lane (don't judge me) I'm on a cycle with a very large motor.
anyhow light goes green I gas it and the bike dies. #hit hit the starter and roar off across the intersection and then it really plays up then I realized that I was going to run out of gas.
#hit #hit wheres the nearest gas. Yeah it's about 3 kms away I might make it

Get up the road about a km and realized **** I should have turn left as a gas station was only 1.5kms away.
Never mind I will make it

. Then it died so hit the starter and it fired a few times so in with the clutch and coasted a good 800 meters will I make it coz its a big bike to push.

Of course Im not going to make it I'm 400M short. Lucky it's flat where I ran out of gas.
Pushed the beast to the gas station.

For an unfit 50 year old I got a little puffed.
I filled it up and only got 23.45 litres in it. But did manage to 276 kms around town
Here I always thought that the tank was 25 litres so that time I got 370 kms I only had 1.45 litres left.
The in town and out of town fuel usage is 5kms a litre different but it's a lot of stop goes in ChCh as the city is very flat and a huge amount of intersection.