Upgrading your clutch springs?? What NOT to buy... MTC

Barnett works fine with slightly modded engines. All i have is Nev's street cams, Viking three into one and ramair. Did replace the clutch with the Barnett package and have had no issues. Stock clutch went south after mods. Springs were to weak.
Barnett works fine with slightly modded engines. All i have is Nev's street cams, Viking three into one and ramair. Did replace the clutch with the Barnett package and have had no issues. Stock clutch went south after mods. Springs were to weak.

Yep,also with my bike the Barnettsprings were too weak. Cruising no problem but don't accelerate...
Just saying a bike that is slightly modded the Barnett system works great. Supercharged or heavily modded probably not. Even Nev recommends the Barnett system. Good design with moderate pull. My bike only makes about 165 horse so the system works well.
Rather much harder...
MTC 55 lbs. X 5 = 275 lbs.
Triumph 68 lbs. X 5 = 340 lbs.
Barnett 85 lbs. X 5 = 425 lbs.
Carpenter 100 lbs. X 5 = 500 lbs

Thanks fastfun might just measure them if they lost length at all I will make a shim for each one to go under the bolt, I have done that before and find it works well.
I am pricing out components and looking at the options for replacing my clutch. Looks like mixed reviews for the Barnetts, which likely will be fine for me with an unmodded engine. However, I am wondering, if I get the MTC fibers do I use those with the OEM steels in my current clutch or should I order a new set to go with the MTC fibers.
If your OEM steels are good no need to replace them. Just order the fibers and get better springs from Carpenter. Or order the whole bang from Carpenter. If you order MTC Fibers make sure you leave the anti-judder spring and seat out.
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Got it done yesterday. Took these springs to 6 different shops. NOBODY has the tool to measure and rate these springs. BUMMER.
So I stopped at @Justdad house for a short visit. Well guess what ?? He had a great idea. Rekluse Clutch is here in Boise. He suggested stopping in on them to see if they could do it. So I went there. What a bunch of super nice folks. They said they never had anybody ask to have this done. I asked what will it cost me to have this done. Shouldn't take more than 5 minutes they said. We'll just do it now. They took my 4 sets and measured and rated them all for me. SWEET. ! THANK YOU REKLUSE CLUTCH.

Compressed to 1 inch.
Stock Triumph 2006 spring that came out of the clutch: 50.6 lbs.
Stock Triumph new spring that came in the update kit: 73.0 lbs.
New Barnett spring that came with the new clutch fiber/steels kit. 84.6 lbs.
New Carpenter spring: 94.4 lbs.
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You listen to that Justdad fellow.