Upgrading your clutch springs?? What NOT to buy... MTC

U believe I left it out. Someone will be along to confirm I'm sure.

You left it out ? I think there is some confusion about 'the backplate' It's the plate that is riveted on the back of the clutchbasket. I think you mean the antijudderspring you left out.
I should have thought about that and maybe could have bought the kit at a better price.;)
I bought direct from Barnett. Figured out pads and plates were in fairly good shape. Stock springs different story. Have had no problems at all with the Barnett kit. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
I bought direct from Barnett. Figured out pads and plates were in fairly good shape. Stock springs different story. Have had no problems at all with the Barnett kit. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
I did buy the kit from Barnett direct it was the stuff from Neville that I should have dated him a few times to get a better price.:roll: Joking of course, the things I bought from Lush racing was fairly priced.
What about the backplate with its absorbersprings, does MTC make that plate thicker ?

MTC use the backing plate & springs off the exact basket that you send them.

There are 2 basket versions out there; the early ones which have thinner backplate, and the latest revision with thicker backplate which came in at #249178 according to my files, so probably late 05 or early 06 (silver engines).
you're safely into the thicker one with your '10



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No - you cannot buy the backplate by itself, Professor, it comes as part of the outer clutch basket, of which there are 2 versions
No - you cannot buy the backplate by itself, Professor, it comes as part of the outer clutch basket, of which there are 2 versions

Well, I think there is some confusion with your understanding what's a backplate with its absorbersprings and what's a outer clutchbasket/drum.So dear apprentice, I will have a try to explain to you. As I did mention previous to Big Norm, I was talking about the backplate with its absorbersprings. Your pic is showing a(MTC, I think) outerbasket from the inside. Hereby a pic which is showing the back(side) and its
MTC clutchbasket.jpg
outerbasket with its absorbersprings. I'm glad explaining to you, don't mention it.That's why I'm the nutty professor.;)
The only misunderstanding here is yours my friend. I'm well aware of what a backplate is.

I think you are confused as I posted a front view pic of an MTC clutch, with the sole purpose of demonstrating I have one.
NOT to show what a backplate is.
You jumped to the conclusion that I wanted to illustrate a backplate.

Now since you are obviously so smart, can you please tell me why you are asking questions (that I tried to help you by answering, btw), if you know it all already?