Upgrading your clutch springs?? What NOT to buy... MTC

What risk is there to the cable, lifter piece and shaft working against all that extra pressure?
Well i just rebuilt my clutch and i got the mtc springs. One look and i was like no way i will use these. So i called carpenter and left a message.
No call returned. I waited 3 days and called again. Again there was no answer. I then called Barnett and promptly ordered their springs. 3 days later they were at my front door. The barnett springs look very nice and are a bit stiffer. While shifting on the road i dont notice the pressure difference but at a stop light i notice my hand feels weaker and i pop her in natural. As far as the weak point goes on the clutch... i wonder way triump did the lifter shaft the way they did? Seams to me i could make a solid pivoting linkage piece That would eliminate the odd lifter shaft turning on the lifter deal and would further improve leverage.
To get a hold of Carpenter, try calling in the mornings, East coast time.

Also keep in mind, they are involved with various racing events, and if happen to be calling during those events you likely won’t get anyone.

Hint Hint: Spped Week and World Finals (this week).
So I’m doing my mods soon and hope to get around 185 hp. I have a Barnett clutch ready to go in do you guys think it will hold?

My bike holds without any detectable slip on a completely stock clutch + carpenter springs.

No reason to go any other route until. 225-250 lbft, then go MTC fibers, at some point north of that the MTC basket makes sense.
I have used Barnett kits with over 240hp and 190 ft lbs with no issues at all.
Thanks Neville, I hope to be getting your kit in soon. I may need to ask you a few things as we do it so LMK what method of contact you prefer.

Ok, good to know there is nobody home because the 2 oct. I did email Robert Carpenter and that week twice, also no response

My bike holds without any detectable slip on a completely stock clutch + carpenter springs.

No reason to go any other route until. 225-250 lbft, then go MTC fibers, at some point north of that the MTC basket makes sense.

What about the backplate with its absorbersprings, does MTC make that plate thicker ?