Update on dual car horn install.

Tropic traveler

.020 Over
Oct 6, 2006
Ocala, Florida
While the install was clean, hidden and relatively easy one thing I must add. The sound of the horns while MUCH better than the stock meep-meep horn, is a bit subdued and directional. I attribute this to being behind the steel side cover and being tightly packed against each other too. It sounds good on the LH side of the bike but loses some of it's effectiveness on the RH side of the bike.
I make these comparisons to the Hondas that I installed the same horn type on, unshrouded and under the bike. To get maximum sound from the car horn set they would have to be somewhere in the open but due to their ugliness that aint gonna fly for my Rocket!
Any suggestions on placement of dual horns on the Rocket or maybe where to get a nice set of attractive chrome horns would be great!
Hi tropic traveler, i use the same twin set-up, i mounted one as a replacement for original, if you point it downwards the trumpet will fit into the back of the horn cover, the other is tucked up under the left side of the engine, mounted to the bottom water expansion tank fixing, on its side and pointing forward,

you hardly notice them!!!! :D
Great idea UK!

That puts them less than a foot away from each other, doesn't it?
Do they sound good like that? I'm pretty sure they need to be close together to get the best attention grabbing sound from them.
After being T-bond a few years ago, i fitted the twin pack to my then new bike!!! im quite happy and feel confident with the performance, its Loud, directional and scares the c***p out of anything its pointed at.

Hope this helps
I fitted two chrome horns at the front of my Rocket - see detailed instructions and pictures in the How To section on this site. I also recently removed the stock horn (to make way for a transformer for long distance lamps) and therefore also fitted two (dual frequencies) horns under one of the side covers. The sound is loud enough to freeze a driver and stun a kangaroo....