Update, melted rubber in gas tank

Marathon stations in the mountains of NC have 90 octane non ethanol fuel but they charge out the wazoo for it. About 60 cents more per gallon. I just bought a gallon today for my 40:1 mix for the chainsaw and weed eater. May start running it in the Rocket.
Don't let any BS you, It's the Ethanol especially in older cars. The Chinese are using rubber that is not Ethanol /tolerant they don't use ethanol in China. If you have a old classic and don't want fuel issues use only Ethanol Free Gasoline or you'll plug fuel pumps,filters,injectors and pressure regulator. Believe me I KNOW ///THE HARD WAY.
These are all made to take this fuel yes?
Did you put any stabilizer or any 2 stroke oil in there for winter storage?
A similar thing happens to me when I put too much heat in my old van.
As far as I know that stuff was just in diesel? Like really old diesel idk
I don't know if it was the ethanol or the additives to stabilize the fuel or both but my bike sat for a couple of years due to "things". It had fuel and Seafom and Star Tron in the tank with the fuel. Recently when I went to start it is barley ran so because life has finally decided to let me start riding again I decided to go after the in tank fuel system The fuel was some nasty smelling stuff. Some of the rubber had melted and the four pieces of fuel hose was all cracked. I have replaced all of the parts in the tank and hopefully that ill take care of it. After reading up on the Star Tron and Seafom I have decided it is snake oil. It may help mitigate some ethanol issues but not all and like was mentioned, keep replacing the fuel by riding seems to be the best option.
