Update, melted rubber in gas tank

I don't know how long the bike sat for... Could be quite a long time. It did only have 10k on it, and it a 2006. Just seems bizarre.... I've let so many bikes and cars sit for years without any problems. But I guess maybe it was just my turn after years of good luck.
Guess the starting point would be to try and identify what exactly was in the fuel tank. If it's a storage additive or something else that's caused the melting. Be difficult to know what to do to rectify the problem unless you are pretty sure what has caused it in the first place. Good luck with it and keep us informed.

God post Fred.

Leaded fuel! THAT'S AV GAS
Isn't it?
Can get that easy enough....

All of the gas around here is 10% ethanol, and it hasn't done anything to mine.
IIRC the Rocket is supposed to be good for E15 though they advise not to use anything higher than E10. Fred might be close with the toxic waste theory. It can cost a small fortune to legally dispose of certain types of waste and truckers have been caught putting it in tankers for cash on their way from the refineries to the gas stations.
Snds to me like the machine was doped with a heavy concentrate of Toluene. Its some great stuff if you want to make race gas in fact it is one of th echemicals used to maket gas . Adding it to regular gas in the right quantity can raise the octane 10 points or higher. Believe me I have used it on the Falcon many of times. One bad thing is you have to watch your mixture and make sure you either burn it all out or burn enough to dilute it with regular fuel as it will eat rubber components. man it really pepps up a motor though. You can get it at any paint supplier to make your own octane boost and will nothurt the engine when mixed right say like you just want to raise the octane 5 points. Lowes, Menards. Home depot, are just a few places you can purchase it by the gallon. its in the paint area as painter use it for something.