Unknowns When Riding a Known Road

Glad everything worked out for you and I can appreciate you story about the bird, Boog! I live in North Dakota and ride a lot of country roads. A couple of years ago, near sunset, I was on a two lane hiway, puttering along at about 75 or so when pheasant rooster decided to rocket into my RIII Touring! He struck the right fork with his head, then the rest of him hit the side of the radiator and the right hiway bar! He exploded all over the right side of the bike, knocked my leg off the "floorboard" and what was left embedded itself between the right rear crash bar, spring and hard saddle bag! I had 50 miles to go before I could get somewhere to wash off the goo. Pheasant guts cooking on a hot radiator and engine is enough to make you lose your appetite for pheasant forever!
This morning, just before sunrise on my way to work, I came up on a slowish work pickup in the center of three lanes. We are on the expressway and he is poking along at maybe 70-75mph. As i begin moving to the left lane to pass him, a big box of hardware fell onto the roadway. The box burst with many pieces of hardware flying all about. Most of this stuff went tot he right where a car slammed their brakes hard to attempt missing the debris.

I pulled along side the driver and got his attention. He pulled off the road evidently unaware he had lost anything initially.

This kind of truck is always on my list of concerns when riding or driving. It has a headache rack atop the bed and cab with several ladders attached. The sides of the bed have tool boxes affixed atop each side. The bed was loaded with various construction looking bits of gear. Had I not already been moving left when the box flew off, I could have easily had a bad day.
Glad you are ok and missed a bad day. Stuff happens quickly, and stuff like that wouldn't happen if someone took better care.

I saw a ladder fall off a pickup truck on an Intersate a couple of weeks ago. Fortunately the car behind was far enough back to avoid it.
Couple years ago I was taking the wife home in my Tacoma when I had a bozo in a ratty work pickup pass me in a roundabout. He was in a hurry to who knows where. He had all kinds of equipment in his bed and sure enough managed to launch a compressor part at me. The resulting BANG! in my cab was enough to ensure I was awake while he drove off with great haste, oblivious to his spewing his livelihood all over the road. The dent in my bed wasn't as deep as my irritation for idiots.

Holy crap, a ladder!!! That would be a real bad day.