I live in AZ and went with the 140/75/17 Avon cobra. I cannot believe the difference in the way it corners. Very satisfied. I paid 326 for the tires and 112 to have them mounted.
Ostentation - noun, "pretentious and vulgar display, especially of wealth and luxury, intended to impress or attract notice."

Also, as he's probably never ridden a Standard/Classic/Roadster, or if he has, never one with a smaller than 240 rear, he can't possibly know how one would handle.

Which is why I said it probably makes the bike handle less well than it might with something narrower. :) You're right, I've never actually had a chance to get on a non-Touring model to compare.

But it was still the right decision by Triumph to employ the 240, at least from a "marketing" standpoint - I've seen multiple people who, when they see a classic-style Rocket, gawp at the 240 back there.

Still, I'm glad I have a mere 180. :p Plus, I've never felt the 180 in any way was insufficient to lay power down - my R3 T is derestricted and is quite close to a stock Roadster, power-wise.
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2300 cc's and the fat rear tire is what drew me to the Rocket. If it had a skinny rear tire I doubt I would have bought one. I didn't buy the beast for handling. That said, with the exedra 240 rear and excedra 130 front, it handles pretty dang well for a fatso. Even with the stock metzelers though it handled just as well as the Suzuki LC 1500 i replaced with it and is one helluva lot more fun to ride.