Good on ya!!!
Let us know what handling differences you notice, if any, from the 140 front.
Well, let me preface by saying I have only had the Rocket a relative short time, about 4000 miles. My wife wanted something more comfortable for her to sit on during our rides so we traded in my 2005 Triumph Sprint ST 1050 towards the used Rocket. The Rocket only had approximately 12,000 miles on the clock and was a great deal for a beautiful looking and well maintained bike.
My old Sprint had a little more than 98,000 miles on her so you can say I was VERY comfortable with her and intimate with how she felt no matter what the road or weather conditions where. I live in southern NH and road the Sprint year round, with the exception of active snowing.
When I first road the Rocket I thought the stiffer handling was due to the large size of the bike. She was very comfortable going straight but required muscle going through the curves. I am sure the 4000 mile I put on the tires didn't help but the Rocket never handle anything near as nimbly as the Sprint. Granted, that is the difference between the SPORT-Tourer and a Heavy Cruiser.
I haven't put many miles on the new tires, maybe around 150 miles, just scrubbed in I guess. But I believe the combination of the Avon Cobra at 140/75 up front and the Exedra Max 240/55 on the rear has made a HUGE difference in the capabilities of this bike.
I do not feel as though I have to muscle the bike through any turns or curves. A little push or pull on the bars and the Rocket dives where I want her to go. I still can't steer her using my feet because their position is very different from the Sprint but the response from the bars is significantly different.
The new rear tire now being bout 1" diameter taller and the same width as the OEM resulting in a profile that is not as flat as the OEM rear.
The front is a about 1.2" in diameter shorter and a little narrower bringing it closer to a sport tire front profile. The Cobra is a stiffer and smaller side wall that doesn't flex as much which transfers the bar pressure easier than the OEM.
Both tires working in concert grip the road better, hold the bikes line better, change direction easier, etc...
Just an all around better responsive riding experience.
Now if I could find some adjustable lower controls so I can give my big feet a little more room between the shifters.
Anyway, just my impressions on the new tire combination, I'll try to keep track of mileage and wear as I go.
Ride safe Captains!