No, it makes the left grip rotate like the throttle side and acts as the clutch lever, without the lever.
idk said:
I just had a look at one of those on youtube. My guess is that it would work well on a HD, but when you open the throttle on an RIII you would probably end up operating the clutch as you are thrown back. :lol:

I have images of - throttle open - front wheel up - clutch disengaged - front wheel down - clutch engaged - front wheel up - etc. It would make a great youtube video, but probably not much fun for the rider.

IDK the only reason it will work on a HD is because your usually pushing the HD :D
Juggernaut said:
No, it makes the left grip rotate like the throttle side and acts as the clutch lever, without the lever.

Eeew! Something about that just sounds wrong. Probably because I'm just used to the way things are.
idk said:
I just had a look at one of those on youtube. My guess is that it would work well on a HD, but when you open the throttle on an RIII you would probably end up operating the clutch as you are thrown back. :lol:

I have images of - throttle open - front wheel up - clutch disengaged - front wheel down - clutch engaged - front wheel up - etc. It would make a great youtube video, but probably not much fun for the rider.

:lol: I can just see Juggs bouncing down the road with the front of the bike looking like a porpoise.

Oh and wire cutters come to mind.