Tuner recommendation please.


Standard Bore
Apr 19, 2021
Triumph Rocket III Roadster 2014
Hi all, I have a Dave Platt Outlaw (shorty) exhaust and a Ram Air fitted on my 2014 Roadster and have done the basic tune but would like to get it professionally tuned. Is anyone able to recommend a professional please, I'm in the UK but will travel for the best service.
Thanks guys
Hi all, I have a Dave Platt Outlaw (shorty) exhaust and a Ram Air fitted on my 2014 Roadster and have done the basic tune but would like to get it professionally tuned. Is anyone able to recommend a professional please, I'm in the UK but will travel for the best service.
Thanks guys
I would download tuneecu (andriod) & get a lonelec cable. If you have got any sort of computer nouse you will then be able to download a map to suit. Plenty available. I got my bike dynoed & wasn't happy (dyno guy not up to the task I reckon), so downloaded a map (think from here in the resources section) & the bike is running fantastic now 👌🚀
Download your current tune then see if any of the Gurus will offer to look it over.
You may be running dangerously lean.
The best tuners I know are in WA State and Texas.
I know nothing regarding what the UK has for tuners.
Who in Texas? Finally got headers
Nels is doing some work in Texas.
I do not know any details.
I suggest you call the Kirkland Shop and inquier 425-289-5332
Hi all, I have a Dave Platt Outlaw (shorty) exhaust and a Ram Air fitted on my 2014 Roadster and have done the basic tune but would like to get it professionally tuned. Is anyone able to recommend a professional please, I'm in the UK but will travel for the best service.
Thanks guys
The man who tuned mine is Konrad@TNTTuningLLC.com 615-415 1570 located outside Nashville, Tenn. I feel he did an outstanding job, was recommended to me by Kevin Frazier. That's an awful long way to come for a tune. If travel didn't matter, I'd consider Neville in Australia.
Hi all, I have a Dave Platt Outlaw (shorty) exhaust and a Ram Air fitted on my 2014 Roadster and have done the basic tune but would like to get it professionally tuned. Is anyone able to recommend a professional please, I'm in the UK but will travel for the best service.
Thanks guys
Thanks for the words of wisdom guys. I have now booked the bike in at a shop to be properly Dyno tuned. Will report back once it's done.
Many thanks