Hi all, I have a Dave Platt Outlaw (shorty) exhaust and a Ram Air fitted on my 2014 Roadster and have done the basic tune but would like to get it professionally tuned. Is anyone able to recommend a professional please, I'm in the UK but will travel for the best service.
Thanks guys
Download your current tune then see if any of the Gurus will offer to look it over.
You may be running dangerously lean.
The best tuners I know are in WA State and Texas.
I know nothing regarding what the UK has for tuners.
Hi all, I have a Dave Platt Outlaw (shorty) exhaust and a Ram Air fitted on my 2014 Roadster and have done the basic tune but would like to get it professionally tuned. Is anyone able to recommend a professional please, I'm in the UK but will travel for the best service.
Thanks guys
I would download tuneecu (andriod) & get a lonelec cable. If you have got any sort of computer nouse you will then be able to download a map to suit. Plenty available. I got my bike dynoed & wasn't happy (dyno guy not up to the task I reckon), so downloaded a map (think from here in the resources section) & the bike is running fantastic now
Download your current tune then see if any of the Gurus will offer to look it over.
You may be running dangerously lean.
The best tuners I know are in WA State and Texas.
I know nothing regarding what the UK has for tuners.
Hi all, I have a Dave Platt Outlaw (shorty) exhaust and a Ram Air fitted on my 2014 Roadster and have done the basic tune but would like to get it professionally tuned. Is anyone able to recommend a professional please, I'm in the UK but will travel for the best service.
Thanks guys
The man who tuned mine is Konrad@TNTTuningLLC.com 615-415 1570 located outside Nashville, Tenn. I feel he did an outstanding job, was recommended to me by Kevin Frazier. That's an awful long way to come for a tune. If travel didn't matter, I'd consider Neville in Australia.
There's a reportedly good tuner the H2 boys are using in the UK, I'll see if I can find the info. Obviously no personal experience with them, but they all seem happy with the results.
Hi all, I have a Dave Platt Outlaw (shorty) exhaust and a Ram Air fitted on my 2014 Roadster and have done the basic tune but would like to get it professionally tuned. Is anyone able to recommend a professional please, I'm in the UK but will travel for the best service.
Thanks guys
Thanks for the words of wisdom guys. I have now booked the bike in at a shop to be properly Dyno tuned. Will report back once it's done.
Many thanks