The throttle remains the same i feel...think this map is 31012...yes my exhaust has been box taken out and replaced with tailored boom box retaining stock 'mufflers'...which in reality arn't mufflers but metal covers...the muffler is within the boom box in the form of flutes deflecting pulse...sounds nice and not too loud due to fibreglass packing.
Keep in mind that the throttle map isn't really changed until you hit 60%+ throttle. Up until that point, it's almost exactly the same. When you give it a full twist, you'll feel it being even more brutal than usual.
Yes...we had my cobbers 'R' model on the dyno prior to doing exhaust mods and after...we needed to know if the tune was ok enuff to take the new exhaust and then of course did it alter after the mods.
Answer was yes it was fine on both accounts...
That chart shows measuring result from standard exhaust before loading DNK map, doesn't it?
Haven't you load DNK map before modifying exhaust, then ridden? If you have done, how did you feel?
At this moment I'm going to load DNK map, keeping standard exhaust.

That's nice.
I don't like appearances of Platt pipes and Bugbike's, though they make the bike lighter. I prefer stock looks.
Your bike must lose weight by replacing catalyzer with your box while keeping good looks.
That chart shows measuring result from standard exhaust before loading DNK map, doesn't it?
Haven't you load DNK map before modifying exhaust, then ridden? If you have done, how did you feel?
At this moment I'm going to load DNK map, keeping standard exhaust.

That's nice.
I don't like appearances of Platt pipes and Bugbike's, though they make the bike lighter. I prefer stock looks.
Your bike must lose weight by replacing catalyzer with your box while keeping good looks.
That dyno chart is of my friends bike prior to doing exhaust alterations...he hasnt loaded a DNK tune.
The cat converter weighed 13kg...what we replaced it with was roughly 6 or 7 kg.
That dyno chart is of my friends bike prior to doing exhaust alterations...he hasnt loaded a DNK tune.
The cat converter weighed 13kg...what we replaced it with was roughly 6 or 7 kg.
I understand regarding the map.
You made weight of the cat converter half!
I have the R model with comp werkes exhaust fitted and have just installed DNK map. Massive improvement with power with full throttle and smooth power through whole range. It has also massively reduced decel pop with new map.


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