I ordered the tune ecu cable for android from Tune Ecu. I got a Samsung adapter for my Android phone. Tune Ecu states it must be a 4.0 version or higher. It is. It simply won't connect. Any ideas?
I've accessed the ECU quite a few times now and I've noticed sometimes it's stubborn. Keep at it, it should connect. Try closing out the program or turning ignition off/on again. I've had to do these things at times.
I am not that advanced as I still use Windows XP

Does anyone know where I can actually download the Tune ECU program? I have tried all the links in this thread and none are working for me.
My cable is coming today and I have the drivers and the Powertripp Tune for my stock Bike. Please help!
Does anyone know where I can actually download the Tune ECU program? I have tried all the links in this thread and none are working for me.
My cable is coming today and I have the drivers and the Powertripp Tune for my stock Bike. Please help!

Ok,sorry,I just found version 2.5.5.Hopefully I am good now.
I am not that advanced as I still use Windows XP
XP was good, relatively stable after a few years of patching.. like the Evo motor, it was pretty good at the end of its life.. The first TC motor had some bad cam related problems as I recall.
Apparently progress means if it ain't broke yet it's time for a new one..
The big problem with early twin cams was the tensioners, they just wore out quickly.
Guys, I don't know what I'm doing wrong but I have Tune ECU on my laptop. I think I have all the drivers in too. However it won't link When I plug it in. In the low right corner it just blinks red, times out and tells me to check connection, turn the bike on and off. I've done this several time but no. I also have it on my phone. I use the same cable with an adapter and she links. I can't do anything except watch the RPMs go up and down. (She is green in the lower right corner.) Thoughts? Did I miss a driver on my laptop or is the cable bad? I can't get it to work with either unit.
I just went through this whole thing and it's extremely frustrating because there's no real indication of what's not working. The pop up window tells you nothing except it isn't working. I can tell you that ultimately it wasn't the first cable I bought although the lonelec gives you the Android adapter. It was the driver, and I loaded and deleted many times before it finally worked. Then after closing out the program and coming back, same thing. It took many many attempts before I could get it to work consistently and I kept pages of notes as to the steps but now I can't make any sense of them.
It had to do with the third party program (CDM i think) that installed the driver, not TuneECU itself. What I think was happening is the CDM program would install the driver, but not in a directory that TuneECU could access or find. So, while the TuneECU program was fine, and I had the correct drivers, they couldn't find each other. I really dread any updates because I don't want to go through that again. I probably won't, I'll just accept that Android device is the way to go. Good luck, sorry I can't be more specific. Maybe try getting your driver files in the same folder or directory as the TuneECU program?