This is what I did last week:
Following the instructions, I connected a battery charger and removed the fuse for headlight, first.
I connected the cable to the laptop and the bike, then started the laptop and Tuneecu, and finally switched ignition on.
Tuneecu connected automatically with the ecu, and i clicked to import the map from the bike.
I was surprised that it needed around 20mins to load the map into Tuneecu, so the whole party lasted for about an hour on the first day.
On the second day, I was confident enough to do changes.
With Tuneecu connected, I changed max rpm to 6700 and topspeed to 260 in the map.
I opened up the secondaries to 100% in all the fields, then saved the map on the laptop. Finally I downloaded it to the bike, which only needed a minute.
I closed Tuneecu, switched the ignition off and shut the laptop down. I removed the cables and smoked a cigarette.
After this, I did the 12 minute tune. TPS was green in Tuneecu when done.
Couldn't wait to jump on the bike. It was rainy and cold, but after that ride I can tell that I successfully removed those limitations.
Maybe my butt dyno needs a reset too, but I felt like the bike actually ran better in every gear, and all over the rev band. Don't know why, could have something to do with the relation of the ecu and the PCIII dynotune, or with the 12 min tune. The way it goes from 50 to 110mph in 3rd within a few seconds, really struck me.
So I am very happy I did it, and thanks to everybody here for contributing to my confidence.