Woe unto he who refuses to read the instructions. At the top of the Android Version page on the TuneECU site it has the warning about imposters, and so on, and at the bottom, there is talk of the tested BlueTooth adapters. So I ordered one, and it came in, and I hooked it up to the bike, and while it tells me about the ECU, the map, my VIN, TPS setting, MAP, RPM, speed (would I really be running down the road with the side cover hanging off and watching this app on the phone ?). Map and Edit are grayed out. I return to the site to see WTF, and sure enough, there 'buried' in the middle of the page, at the bottom of all the applicable models, is this asterisk: "With Bluetooth connection, reading and reprogramming map functions are not available."
Why did I buy this adapter ?!