My wife's desktop has Windows 10. The latest driver in the ftdi link on the tuneecu web site is 2.12.16. I just plugged in the cable and looked at the device manager. The cable appeared under ports (com 3) and under USB as a USB serial converter at the bottom of the list of usb devices. In both cases, the driver is Ftdi 2.12.16. Are you seeing the cable in both places and is the driver 2.12.16? I can't plug the desktop into the bike but I assume it would work.
Find the "Run..." command and type in "msconfig" there and hit enter.

Click the checkbox for "Selective boot", hit OK, and restart the computer. As Claviger says, make sure you don't have drive signature enforcement on. Then see what happens.

Though the installer for the CDM driver should be signed since it's a WHQL approved installer package...
Ok have the LONETEC cable in hand and am about to start the process. When opening Tuneecu on my phone it says the map is 20368 on the bottom of the screen. Thats the correct one for a 2015 R3T? I have read both and the link in the beginning is no longer there. I downloaded it from tomhamburg.net \custom t tunes \ rocket III touring\ last one in the section. Comes up as the following when you see the link properties.......
The stock or slip on tune is a modification of 20368 for the R3T with TORs by Power-Tripp. This tune is still on the TuneECU site under custom tunes for the Rocket. You could compare them on your laptop if the phone doesn't do compare. The differences are mainly that the slip on has the secondaries open 100%, the L tables are richer, and the F/L switch is set to a lower throttle position.
I gave up on my Toshiba Satellite L305 laptop and paid $12.94 for the Android version, and opted for the OBDLink LX BlueTooth adapter ($50 on Amazon was cheapest of the ones listed as compatible on the TuneECU site).

Will see.
Using the phone app and the lonetex calbe worked fine the first time. Got to rude it today and definite improvement. Thanks for the answers and help fellas. New beast with the tune for sure.
Woe unto he who refuses to read the instructions. At the top of the Android Version page on the TuneECU site it has the warning about imposters, and so on, and at the bottom, there is talk of the tested BlueTooth adapters. So I ordered one, and it came in, and I hooked it up to the bike, and while it tells me about the ECU, the map, my VIN, TPS setting, MAP, RPM, speed (would I really be running down the road with the side cover hanging off and watching this app on the phone ?). Map and Edit are grayed out. I return to the site to see WTF, and sure enough, there 'buried' in the middle of the page, at the bottom of all the applicable models, is this asterisk: "With Bluetooth connection, reading and reprogramming map functions are not available."
Why did I buy this adapter ?!
To save a lot of us the trouble!
is this asterisk: "With Bluetooth connection, reading and reprogramming map functions are not available."
Why did I buy this adapter ?!

Well, you can plug it in and put your phone on a phone mount on the handlebars and get real-time data out of the bike what it's doing, including a rev counter?

Leaving the side cover off would be a personal choice, personally I'd just tuck the adapter in under the seat and put the cover on...

Fortunately, you're almost home free now that you have paid for the Android app. All you need now is an "OTG adapter" (if you don't have one) for your phone; stands for USB On The Go). Then, you plug in the Lonelec cable into that. Lonelec ships the adapter with all cables now, but if you got yours before that, they're just a few bucks.

The first hit off an Amazon search, but you can search for "usb otg adapter" on there yourself.

I just tried to connect the Android version to the bike via the USB cable and a USB-micro 3 adapter, and TuneECU keeps asking to enable BlueTooth and won't see the cable, even though the cable is receiving power from the phone.

I'm at wits' end. What now ? Different cable? (the one I have was from a link on this site two years ago Ver2.5 www.dealertool.co.uk)